The building is situated near to Morrissey Drive and Kerwin Place and it provides access via skywalk to Earth Sciences building and University Centre. It is located very close to Business Administration building. There are several units and services located in this building and that includes Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and Ocean Engineering Research Centre.
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science offers a wide range of programs to undergraduate and graduate programs as well as other related facilities. The engineering programs offered are Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical, Engineering, Ocean & Naval Architecture Engineering, Process Engineering, and Engineering Co-op Education.
Engineers Without Borders is an outstanding MUN Volunteer Clubs/ Societies from the Faculty of Engineering. One of their great events is a fair trade coffee club which holds in the lobby of the S. J. Carew Building from 8. 30 am to 12 pm every weekday. In addition, vending snack and drink machines are available in this building.