Chemistry Physics building is situated near intersection of Prince Philip Drive and Morrisey Avenue. There are a number of departments located in this building such as Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Department of Physics, and Physical Oceanography. These departments offer a variety of programs for both undergraduate and graduate levels.
The degrees that are offered by Department of Chemistry include Chemistry Major, Chemistry Honours, Joint Honours, and Chemistry Minor. The department of Chemistry provides advising services for the students such as faculty advisors, science matters (career development), and also scholarships and awards. The department offers a variety of resources for its community including Chemistry 1010/1011 Help Centre, Chemistry Resource Room (Help Centre), Chemistry Computer Room, and The MUN Chemistry Society (MUNCS).
The Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography offers various degree programs such as are Minor in Physics, Major in Physics, Honours in Physics, Honours/Major in Environmental Physics, Applied Mathematics/Physics Joint Honours, Applied Mathematics/Physics Joint Major, Physics/Biochemistry Joint Honours, Physics/Chemistry Joint Honours, Physics/Computer Science Joint Major, Physics/Computer Science Joint Honours, Physics/Earth Science Joint Honours, Geophysics/Physical Oceanography Joint Honours, and Physics/Earth Science Joint Major.
The faculty of Science offers various Bachelor of Science programs including majors, minors, honours degree, and joint programs. For instance, as for B. Sc major programs include Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Dietetics, Earth Sciences, Economics, Geography, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics and Physical Oceanography, and Psychology.
For a quick refreshment, vending snack and drink machines are located in this building.